LEI Renewal Reminders
Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs) require annual renewal. This is in order to ensure that the LEI index is populated with the highest quality, most up to date reference data on Legal Entities within any given marketplace or economy.
There are many EU, US and global regulations requiring an LEI be renewed for regulatory reporting purposes.
LEI Worldwide issue regular LEI renewal reminder via email in order to ensure no LEI lapsed inadvertently.
We will issue to your usr account, and all your team members (add team members here) in the following order. Please ensure all relevant stakeholders to the LEI are added.
59 days before renewal date | 1 days after renewal date |
30 days before renewal date | 7 days after renewal date |
7 days before renewal date | 30 days after renewal date |
1 days before renewal date | 59 days after renewal date |
You may also utilise the LEI Watchlist feature to receive regular alerts and updates on any LEI you can locate using the LEI Search tool. Receive alerts on clients LEIs, competitors LEIs, or utilise for DORA ROI reporting on ICT providers!
If you have any questions regarding the LEI Renewal Reminders please contact us at support@lei-worldwide.com.