LEI Watchlist - Track LEI Codes

The LEI watchlist is a freely accessible tool that allows the user to save and track LEIs that may be relevant to their group structure, their clients or shareholders. You can use the watchlist to ensure an important LEI never expires.

The LEI Watchlist is a very useful and free to use tool that allows users track LEIs with importance to them. For example, many trading platforms require their customers to have active LEIs and they can easily add those LEIs to the list and receive updates and notifications should any of the LEIs approach their expiry date.

The LEI Watchlist can also be used to track your own group LEIs and ensure they do not expire inadvertently. This does not necessarily mean those LEIs are being managed by LEI Worldwide, they can indeed be with any number of providers, allowing users to consolidate their LEIs into one place.

How to add LEIs to your Watchlist

  1. Login to your RAMP account. If you do not yet have one, create one for free here. https://leiworldwide.com/login

  2. Go to the LEI Search Tool: https://leiworldwide.com/lei_search

  3. Find your LEIs and click the star beside it to tag it and add it to your watchlist, AKA favourites list.

  4. Go to Watchlist in the dropdown menu and view your dashboard. Here you can take actions such as renew, purchase a certificate etc.

  5. You will now receive an LEI Renewal reminder 59, 30, 15 and 1 day before the LEIs expiry date.