LEI Search Tool
What is LEI Search?
LEI Search allows you to navigate the LEI index, access the global LEI database and find any Legal Entity Identifier in real time.
The LEI is an ISO Standard (17442) and with almost 2.3 million LEIs already in existence the LEI Search tool is updated daily, providing you with the most reliable and up to date source of LEI data.
The LEI Look Up is connected to the live GLEIF data feed which is the official, fastest, & most accurate way to check on the current status of any existing LEI.
Conducting an LEI Search will reveal up to date, accurate entity information and allow you to conduct a thorough LEI Check.
Check the LEI Search Tool Here
To conduct an LEI Search enter the company name or LEI number of any company in the search bar above.
When you would like to find out more about a company, an LEI search will provide important data about the company, and most of all you will have faith that it is a real registered company and they are who they say they are.
Alternatively, you may want to use the LEI Look Up to check the current status of your LEI record. It may be in need of annual renewal, or you may require it for a particular transaction and need to get a reminder of what your 20 digit LEI code is.