What is an LEI Number?

The LEI is a G20 endorsed, globally verifiable unique identity code. The LEI code contains a record with information about a company such as its identity and group structure.

The LEI Legal Entity Identifier is a standard that has been adopted to increase transparency of transactions between organisations that do business and cross regional jurisdictions. Many believe the last recession in 2008 came about and was worsened by a lack of regulation.

​The LEI is a new ISO standardised code which brings transparency to participants in the global financial market place. 

ISO 17442 standard “Financial Services – Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)” consists of a 20 digit alpha numerical code unique to each legal entity that falls under the updated Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) and accompanying Regulation (MiFIR).

To find out more please read our post https://leiworldwide.com/news/what-is-a-legal-entity-identifier.

- The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF)