LEI Transfer Instructions
An LEI transfer is the act of moving an LEI from one LEI issuer to another, and can be done through the medium of a Registration Agent such as LEI Worldwide. An LEI transfer is separate to an LEI Renewal, as a renewal can only take place once an LEI is currently under our management. Before an external LEI can be renewed it must be transferred.
Click here to transfer an LEI to LEI Worldwide: LEI TRANSFER
An LEI transfer may take up to 7 days to complete, as both sides must confirm the transfer. However, if both sides confirm quickly it is often done much faster.
Why should I transfer an LEI?
There are many reasons to transfer an LEI. One may have a personal preference of LEI providers. This might be due to the management system quality, customer support service or pricing. Another reason to consider transferring an LEI could be to consolidate LEIs into one account, rather than having LEIs spread out amongst various providers.
How much does it cost to transfer an LEI?
An LEI transfer in itself is free. However we strongly recommend renewing an LEI upon transfer and the standard costs of renewing an LEI will apply. This is because the data contained within the LEI record was approved by the previous LEI issuer, and we would like to re-verify this to ensure 1005 accuracy.
LEI data quality is something we pride ourselves on.
We can arrange to have a recently renewed LEI transfer for free, on a case by case basis and pending inspection. Please contact us directly.
How can I transfer all my LEIs (bulk transfer)?
In order to transfer a large portfolio of LEIs which may be with one or more other LEI providers, you can easily transfer all in one step. Please download the bulk .xlxs file above and submit to support@lei-worldwide.com with the LEIs listed in the first column. We will take care of the rest!