Bulk LEI Transfer
Common reasons for transferring all LEIs:
Consolidation of LEIs under one provider
Better system, platform capabilities
More economically viable
Current provider is not meeting requirements
Poor customer support
Since late last year, LEI Worldwide has been one of the highest receivers of LEIs from other provider globally.
There are many reasons for this, one of the recent developments in the industry is that the GMEI left the market and their clients LEIs were distributed geographically. Many LEI owners reach out to us everyday to consolidate their portfolios. Here is how you can do just that in a few easy steps!
Download the bulk order .xlsx spreadsheet attached below or here.
Simply list your LEI codes and authorised signatories on the bulk transfer .xlxs.
This can be a list of 2 up to 1,000+ LEIs
Submit the file to support@lei-worldwide.com and one of our agents will be in touch to discuss pricing options based on volume.
The next steps will include signing a Letter of Authorisation (LOA) and handling the internal transfer process which should take no more than 7 days.
Click here to complete a bulk LEI transfer.